Assembly Program: Sentence Word Deletion

This assembly program reads a sentence and a word from the user, then removes the specified word from the sentence and displays the modified sentence. It utilizes Linux syscalls for I/O operations and program termination.

source code

; This assembly code reads a sentence and a word from the user, and then deletes the given word from the sentence.

section .text

; Function to read input
    mov eax, 3    ; sys_read call
    mov ebx, 0    ; File descriptor (stdin)
    int 0x80      ; Call kernel

; Function to print output
    mov eax, 4    ; sys_write call
    mov ebx, 1    ; File descriptor (stdout)
    int 0x80      ; Call kernel

global _start

    ; Print message asking for input sentence
    mov ecx, inpmsg
    mov edx, linp
    call output

    ; Read input sentence
    mov ecx, inpsen
    mov edx, 1000
    call input

    ; Print message asking for word to be deleted
    mov ecx, inpwrdmsg
    mov edx, linpwrd
    call output

    ; Read word to be deleted
    mov ecx, inpwrd
    mov edx, 100
    call input

    mov ebp, 0   ; Counter for iterating through the sentence
    mov esi, 0   ; Counter for iterating through the word

    mov cl, byte[inpwrd + esi]
    mov dl, byte[inpsen + ebp]
    cmp cl, dl
    jne continue

    ; Found a matching character, continue comparing
    add esi, 1
    cmp byte[inpwrd + esi], 10
    jne cont
    ; Reached the end of the word, mark the end position
    mov dword[ptrstop], ebp
    call deleteword
    mov ecx, dword[ptrstrt]
    mov edx, dword[ptrstop]
    sub edx, ecx
    add edx, 1
    sub ebp, edx

    add ebp, 1
    cmp byte[inpsen + ebp], 10
    je printsen
    jmp sencheck

; Printing the modified sentence
    mov ecx, 10
    mov edx, 1
    call output

    mov ecx, omsg
    mov edx, lomsg
    call output

    mov ebp, 0

    mov al, byte[inpsen + ebp]
    cmp al, 10
    je exit
    mov byte[printdata], al

    mov ecx, printdata
    mov edx, 1
    call output
    add ebp, 1
    jmp printing

; Exit the program
    mov ecx, 10
    mov edx, 1
    call output

    mov eax, 1    ; sys_exit call
    mov ebx, 0    ; Exit status
    int 0x80       ; Call kernel

; Function to delete the word from the sentence
    mov edx, 0
    mov eax, dword[ptrstrt]
    mov ebx, dword[ptrstop]
    add ebx, 1
    mov cl, byte[inpsen + ebx + edx]
    mov byte[inpsen + eax + edx], cl
    add edx, 1
    mov cl, byte[inpsen + ebx + edx - 1]
    cmp cl, 10
    jne deleting

section .bss
inpsen resb 1000   ; Storage for input sentence
inpwrd resb 100    ; Storage for word to be deleted

section .data
ptrstop dd 0       ; Pointer to the end of word
ptrstrt dd 0       ; Pointer to the start of word
inpmsg db "ENTER THE SENTENCE : ", 32
linp equ $ - inpmsg
inpwrdmsg db "ENTER THE WORD TO BE DELETED : ", 32
linpwrd equ $ - inpwrdmsg
lomsg equ $ - omsg
printdata db 30h   ; Storage for printing character

Code Explanation

The provided assembly code performs the following steps:

  1. Input Reading (input):

    • Uses syscall 3 (sys_read) to read input from the user.

  2. Output Printing (output):

    • Utilizes syscall 4 (sys_write) to print output to the user.

  3. Main Procedure (_start):

    • Reads the input sentence and the word to be deleted.

    • Iterates through the sentence and identifies occurrences of the word to be deleted.

    • Deletes the word from the sentence and stores the modified sentence.

    • Prints the modified sentence.

  4. Word Deletion (deleteword):

    • Deletes the specified word from the sentence.


Suppose you run the program and provide the following inputs:

ENTER THE SENTENCE : This is an example sentence.


This is an sentence.

In this example, the program reads the input sentence "This is an example sentence." and the word "example" to be deleted. It then displays the modified sentence "This is an sentence." with the specified word removed.


  1. Ensure you are running this code on a Linux environment or emulator that supports the syscalls used in the code.

  2. Assemble the code using an appropriate assembler (e.g., NASM) and linker (e.g., LD).

  3. Run the assembled binary to execute the program.

  4. Follow the prompts to enter a sentence and the word to be deleted.

  5. Observe the output, which displays the modified sentence without the deleted word.

Note: Assembly language can interact with system components. Make sure you understand the code before running it, especially when it involves system calls.

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